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  • Maggie

Windows and Doors

Window and Door Trim Painted White

All of the main floor and second story windows / window trim have been painted white on the inside. There were 11 windows in all (some much larger than others and most with "sub-windows").

With the exception of the front and back doors (jury is still out on what we want to do here), all of the main level and second story doors and door frames have been painted (there were 14 in all). Each time a window was painted, we added a shade. The shades have turned out to be most helpful in keeping the house cool in the summer; we only hope that they will work equally well to help retain heat in the evenings during winter. The shades will serve as our only window treatments. We want to keep everything plain and simple. Utilitarian.

I started the windows/doors painting project back in October of 2019; it is now mid-July, 2020). Each weekend, I would try to tackle either a window frame or a door (although, each door and its associated door frame took two weekends as I could only paint one side of a door at a time; Ed would take the doors off their frames and set them on a set of saw horses for me to paint; we wanted them to have enough time to fully dry before we flipped them). It was hard not to get frustrated with what seemed like a lack of progress but the project has been completed.

The white trim and white walls have really served to lighten things up and to make things feel fresh and open. The windows / doors no longer stand out and this is the effect that we were going for. It's not for everyone, but for us right now, it is perfect.

There are still a number of windows and doors / door frames in our basement which we are trying to decide how to handle. Ed's position is that we should leave them as is given that they are in the basement (which serves as a workshop for now); he thinks white will show the dings, dirt, etc. that come with being in a basement. I'm still noodling this through. Maybe I could paint them grey... We'll see.

In the meantime, I need to look for new project work that will help move us forward. Something(s) that I can do. Ed has mentioned that the upstairs hall closet needs to be painted on the inside. I could do that (although, it's hard for me to think about painting another thing at this point...).

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