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  • Maggie

Who Knew? The Entire Wild Daylily Plant is Edible!

Hemerocallis fulva - the Common Wild Daylily (also known as Ditch Lilie)

Last summer, I did learn that the common / wild / invasive Daylily plant is entirely edible (not the more modern and engineered version and not tiger lilies). I subsequently forgot having done nothing with that knowledge.

I was recently reminded of the fact when I watched one of the homesteading channels that I follow on YouTube. You can pluck the young shoots, boil the tubers like potatoes, or add the blossoms to your salads. People make syrup out of the blossoms as well as jelly. Apparently, the plant is used quite a bit in Asian cooking.

Well, after watching my video, I went outside and ate a couple of flower heads. Absolutely delicious! Lightly sweet and oh so tender. I can see where they would be wonderful on a salad. There is pollen in the flower head and that is good for one's health. The flower heads also contain quite a bit of protein, vitamin A, and Vitamin C and are good for the eyes.

We have sooooo many big patches of these daylilies in our yard on our property. Likely because they are so easy to grow and do tend to spread (such that some might call them invasive). I do like the looks of them though and now I'll be trying to figure out how to use them more in my / our diet.

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