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  • Maggie

Time To Store Chicken Coop Straw - Winter's Coming

Moving Straw To Barn
Unloading Purchased Straw From Pick-Up

Time to start thinking about winter. We use straw as bedding for our chicken coop and for the nesting boxes. During the spring and summer, we've used wood shavings that we're able to get from Amish log cabin builders right near by; however, the straw will help our chickens stay warm in the fall and mainly winter months.

We will be storing the straw in our barn on a pallet. Even I (Maggie) was able to help move the bales as they weren't as heavy as I might have imagined.

I brought home a pick-up load of 15 square bales from a local farmer that I found on Craigslist; he was selling the straw for $5/bale. Because we also use straw as mulch on our strawberry plants, Ed thought it would be a good idea to go get another 6 bales or so. I will do so this week for sure...

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