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  • Maggie

Time for New Snow Blower and Driveway Stakes

Updated: Oct 27, 2019

Driveway Stake / Marker

28" Ariens 2-Stage Deluxe Snow Blower

This is one of those instances where the gentleman at the Ace Hardware store that sold us the snow blower expressed that we were a little early in the season with our purchase... (I think we were the "first" to be exact). My husband in turn said "I know, but my wife..."

I'm perfectly fine being the scapegoat and I'm very happy that we have the snow blower we want now - just in case...

We went with a 28"(wide) two stage Ariens Deluxe (not sure what the Deluxe means though); it can handle snow up to 16 inches in depth, can throw the snow 40 feet, and has "shoes" that will allow us to plow our gravel driveway without picking up gravel.

We asked if we'd need chains for the tires and our sales person said "no" quite firmly (but we'll see). The one thing we have going for us is that our driveway is relatively flat (unlike the big hill on our city home's driveway).

We bought the snow blower as a back-up (along with some extra shear pins). In theory, the farmer who rents our land will be plowing us out on a regular basis.

We also bought and I've already pounded in the Driveway stakes / markers so that we can see what should / should not be plowed once everything's covered with snow.

For some reason, I think this year is going to be a doozy in terms of snowfall... Time will tell...

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