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Time / Cost / Quality

In our renovation, we’re finding that we’re constrained by the same constraints that affect all projects. We are having to balance the Time / Quality / Cost “triangle” and find the balance of each that is right for us.

This has been something that we need to keep reminding ourselves of so that we don’t get frustrated.

Because we are choosing to go “low cost” by doing as much of the work that we can by ourselves (some exceptions noted for those things that are better left to those who are younger or more skilled than ourselves). And because we want “quality” workmanship and results, this means that our projects are taking lots and lots of “time”.

The instances we’ve had to utilize outside contractors, our budget has suffered; but, we’re getting quality and timely results. And so it goes…

It seems you can only get 2 out of 3 benefits for any given project (and “yes” - we’ve always known this really). It’s one thing to understand these principles and to apply them as appropriate (as most of us do in our daily lives and in our business endeavors); but, with respect to our property, I’m finding it’s not easy being patient… and… it’s not easy spending more than I’d ultimately like to…

And so the balancing goes and will continue to go. We are ultimately grateful to have the opportunity to labor over our future home and property; it will mean so much more in the end. And again the reminder to myself more than anything: Enjoy the Journey!

Time, Cost, Quality Triangle

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