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  • Maggie

The Last of the New Chickens (this year)

Russian Orloff, Blue Maran, Black Copper Maran
10 Week Old Pullets Awaiting Release Into Flock

On Wednesday of this week, I traveled an hour plus to get our last three pullets of the season: a Russian Orloff (front), a Blue Maran (back left), and a Black Copper Maran (back right).

I did this with Ed's reluctant permission in order to ensure enough eggs over the winter months (chickens only lay over the winter in their first year) and in an effort to bring some more interest and diversity to our flock.

They were already 10 weeks old when I got them; therefore, they only needed 2 days in the cage within the coop to let everyone acclimate. I released them on Friday morning and all went well. There have been so many introductions of new flock members within the past couple of weeks such that this is getting to be a little "old hat" for the chickens.

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