I got up before the sun on the last day of my 5-day flooring project to put on the last coat of tung oil. The night before, I had checked the weather forecast and it was supposed to be 38 degrees and light rain. As I worked and the sun rose, I glanced out the window and was shocked to see snow! I checked the forecast again, and according to my weather app it was 36 degrees and foggy. That was some pretty thick fog.
As I worked, I worried about the road conditions as I had to drive down to Platteville. Fortunately, we seemed to be on the edge of the snow because as I traveled, the snow gave way to rain, which then stopped as I rolled into Platteville.
I had cut the timing of the flooring project pretty close. My goal was to get the finish down by winter. It takes about 30 days to cure. Since we will not be visiting as much over the winter, the floors can cure in our absence and be ready when a new season of work starts.