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  • Ed

The Blackhammer Sugarbush

Updated: Mar 1, 2020

A couple of weeks ago we walked through our front woods and tagged a few maple trees to tap for syrup. I was able to find four Sugar Maples and two Red Maples. It is probably a week early, but we tapped them this weekend. I tapped them mid-day on Saturday and by the time we left bright and early Sunday morning, there was a small amount of sap in the bottom of the buckets.

The Sugar Maples were producing plenty of sap, but the reds seemed a bit slow. The hope is that we will have enough sap next weekend to begin the boil-down process. It takes 40 gallons of sap to make 1 gallon of maple syrup. If each tree gives us a gallon, that will be 6 gallons to boil.

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