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  • Maggie

Taking Walks

Often, one of the first things I like to do when we get to our “still new to us property” is to take a walk (assuming the heat and bugs aren’t too bad). While I’m not a person that goes to the gym to work out, I find that I love to walk and hike.

Given that we’re still relatively new to our property, walking on the weekends has proved to be an adventure almost every time. I’ve walked when the trees were bare and snow was on the ground; I’ve walked during the thaw; when the buds began to pop; when the fields were beginning to grow; when the fields were no longer easily walkable; when the paths in the woods were bare; when the paths in the woods were overgrown (we have yet to get a brush hog; but, it is on our list). I’ve hiked when there were cows in our front woods (we gave permission to the neighboring farmer) and when mushrooms were abundant. I’ve hiked when the apples started forming on the apple trees and when there were newly cut hay bales in the fields (again, our neighboring farmer). I’ve walked in the morning when the sun was barely on the horizon; when the sun was high in the sky and when the sun was setting. I’m still waiting to experience the fall and all that it will bring.

I’ve even researched how many miles I’m walking when I walk our property from front to back and side to side; in these cases, I was glad to learn that I’m walking 1.5 miles. It’s a good workout for me as well because the ground is not flat, there are ups and downs and there are always bumps in the ground to challenge balance (mildly but more so than walking on sidewalks).

Sometimes when I walk, Ed is with me and he can explain a lot of the plants I’m seeing; Maxie our dog is always up for the adventure and by my side; I find we bond even more when we walk.

I’ve learned to always take a water bottle with me (a couple of times I got about as far away from the house (water source) as possible when I found that I was dreaming of a drink) and have decided to bring my cell phone with me as well (just in case I sprain an ankle, etc.). “You can never be too cautious” I say (as I type, I envision my son rolling his eyes at that one).

Rusty Tin Barn
Old Tin Outbuildings; Chicken Coop and Workshop

I’ve even taken walks down the road since we don’t have “traffic”. The thing that always turns me around towards home is a neighbor’s barking dog or dogs 😊.

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