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  • Maggie

Taking Down the Garden

Garden Beds in the Fall (October 1)

It took Ed and I much of the day today to take down the garden.

With a few exceptions (ex: we're waiting for beans to dry and we like our Zinnia flowers that are still blooming), we cut most everything back, pulled stakes and cages for storage, and then mowed over the cuttings (sort of a chop and drop type of initial mulch).

There's still lots to do as we're going to put down wood / pine shavings that I got from a local Amish cabin builder. We'd also like to try and track down some manure to spread. We have a compost pile (year 3 of putting stuff in but not taking out as of yet - maybe this will be the year to use it...). Then I want to top dress with some organic plant food which should help the wood shavings break down; I also like to have the plant food overwinter so as to absorb into the soil. I usually feed again in the spring. I buy a bag or two of plant food every time I go shopping at Walmart and have stocked up on their recent plant food clearance sale as our area Walmart makes way for winter merchandise.

We're not done yet; but, it was a good start. Now, we're both physically tired and sore and look forward to relaxing for the evening.

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