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Stairway Update

Much of our rehabbing was placed on pause last month for the 3-week maple syrup season. By the end of a day, I was usually too dirty with soot to risk touching anything that was supposed to be a final finish.

We did make some incremental progress on the stairs. I finished a sample of a tread and riser. The tread is simply white oak with polyurethane, and the riser is white oak with a whitewash stain and polyurethane. The whitewash provides just enough of a contrast to avoid a monolithic look.

Twelve More to Go

With the finish agreed upon, it was time to ramp up production. All of the risers were sanded and laid out. Stain and polyurethane was applied, with some light sanding between coats. Next weekend, the risers will be transferred to a spare bedroom to make room for the treads. The stairs have been a good April project. Each coat needs time to dry, so we can get other things done in the course of a day. And there is always something to get done in spring.

Starting the Risers

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