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  • Maggie

So Much Winter Squash! What to do with it??

Wheel Barrow Full of Winter Squash

As we cleaned out our garden today to get it ready for winter, we found the last of the winter squash. Having planted various types of squash but not having kept track of what was planted (surely, I'll remember...ha!), I'm not certain what we've all got.

I know I've got lots of butternut squash, lots of a specialty acorn squash, lots of pie pumpkin, and some sugar baby squash...

What's pictured is just the clean up from today. In total, this probably represents about 1/4 (25%) of our total harvest. I've already canned 14 quarts of pumpkin (which also yielded 2 quarts of roasted pumpkin seeds) and Ed will be using a couple of the pie pumpkins to make our Thanksgiving pumpkin pie and to make another said pie for our son, Henry. We've given some away and are giving even more to our sister in law.

I've found that both milk crates and flexible laundry baskets with lots of holes for ventilation work well for storing squash. The crates / baskets are just the right size so as to not get too heavy and so far, have fit well into our winter squash storage closet (an upstairs closet that stays very cool in the winter).

It looks like I'll be making squash soup to eat for dinner this week (along with some home made croutons) and I do plan on doing some more squash canning and seed roasting.

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