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  • Maggie

So Close to Complete with the Master Bedroom

The baseboard trim has been painted and re-installed; the closet doors and bedroom door have been painted, equipped with new hardware, and re-installed. The beige outlets and light switches have been replaced with white ones. And the ceiling fan has been installed.

The only task yet to complete to finalize the room is to paint the window trim white. We hope to complete that this weekend (weather permitting; in order to paint the trim, the window does need to be open and stay open until the paint dries).

Because we need to wait another 10 days to get to the official 30 day mark for the newly applied Tung oil to be fully cured on the floors; we won't get to put our rug / bed in until next weekend or the weekend after (depending on whether Maggie or Ed wins the "argument" about timeline and whether 2 days really matter...).

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