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  • Maggie

Small Campfires Are Nice Too

Updated: Sep 18, 2019

We’d gotten so accustomed to big bonfires at the property as we tried to burn away all of the brush from the pine trees we had removed that we’d forgotten how nice and cozy a small campfire can be.

Now that most of that brush has been burned, we decided to have just a small and simple campfire.

With our big bonfires, we had to sit quite a distance from the fire or we’d get too hot; it was a fast and furious burn.

With the small campfire, we were able to be up close and personal. Now that the nights are getting cooler, it felt even more intimate and comforting sitting next to and watching our small campfire. The embers seemed to glow at a slower pace than the quick burn of the bonfire. And while we did feed the small fire from time to time, we fed it with sticks and not logs or big branches. It was manageable and it was nice. It made us wish we had some marshmallows…

Small Evening Campfire in Backyard
Cozy Evening Campfire

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