Rushing from task to task, it is sometimes difficult to stop and enjoy something. The end of March marked the time to start our first batch of seeds, and I was working to get a tray of pepper plants started. Ripping open the bag of seed starter soil, I was struck by the rich, earthy aroma, and had to stop and contemplate the approach of spring. Although the temperature was still chilly outside, I was taking what seemed to be a leap of faith that warmer days would come.
I slowed my pace to enjoy planting our new pepper seeds. Using a small plastic pot, I scooped starter mix from the bag and filled the tray. Using a spare tray, I gently pressed the soil down. Shaking a packet of seeds into my hand, it was hard to believe that in several months, these seeds would be providing food to us. Peppers are a nice plant to start the season with as the seeds are a decent size, easy to see with my weakening eyesight, pluck from my palm, and transfer to the soil. Another sprinkle of soil and nametags, and 48 potential pepper plants were ready to meet 2021. I misted the soil with a spray bottle, placed a transparent dome on top, and carried the tray to a shelf. A heating pad was ready to help nudge the seeds along. I filled the tray with water, and hoped for the best.
The seed packs said germination would take around 14 days. After a mere 7 days, several cells showed the delicate green of a tiny pepper plant. Like many of us, these plants were in a rush for spring. I whispered to them to slow down and enjoy their cozy indoor home. Spring will be here soon enough.