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  • Maggie

Second Salad of our 2022 Gardening Season

Second Salad of the Season - Spring 2022

Our second salad of the 2022 gardening season complete with radishes.

It's so exciting to this (former) city girl to produce her own food and to see something grow from a seed to a seedling to salad almost overnight (not really; but it just feels like it sometimes).

The first salad was delicious with the greens and radishes so delicate and tender - complete with a light coating of homemade vinaigrette dressing. Already though, we're producing more than can be eaten by just Ed and I.

I'm continuing to monitor the greens "production". While I ferment a couple of half gallon mason jars' worth each season and use them little by little throughout late fall, winter, and early spring, I still end up with "too many". Last year I also dried a bunch and made a gallon jar of "greens powder" which I used in everything from soups to stews and more (I still have much remaining).

It takes an average of 28 pounds of greens to can 7 quarts or an average of 18 pounds to can 9 pints. That's a lot of greens and I'm unsure that I'll get that many at one time. I do want to can at least one batch for winter use though. Time will tell if I'm able to do it. Fingers crossed...

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