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  • Maggie

Repurposing an Old Outbuilding for Chickens

Old Tin Building to be Repurposed for Chickens

We'd like to get chickens in the spring. We'll likely just start with a handful of layers. I'd like to get some guinea for tick control as well; but, that may be pushing it as far as Ed's concerned. Meat birds will be a couple of years down the road yet...

Ed's newest project is shoring up an existing old tin structure for chickens and to create a bit of storage for feed, etc. He'll be putting in a new floor (gravel), new windows, insulation, a chicken door, some roosts, some nesting boxes and creating predator and varmint proof venting.

Slowly but surely we hope to be ready come spring. Pictured above is the "before" shot. The inside is just a dirt floor with the tin walls. I look forward to the "after". We're debating names for the refurbished building and seem to have settled on "Egg Shack". Ed promised me a cute, artful, homemade sign...

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