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  • Maggie

Red Sky in the Morning

Red Sky in the Morning on the Farm

I was 2-3 minutes too late in taking this picture and those 2-3 minutes made a world of difference in terms of the overall red sky intensity.

I was all ready for work and biding time by doing some reading in our living room. Every so often, I'd take in the views of the cows grazing across the road... It wasn't until I decided that it was time to leave that I turned around and saw a window full of blazing red. Immediately I thought that the barn and/or garage was on fire in an inferno of flames. Once I realized that the barn and garage were fine and that I was bearing witness to a most amazing sunrise, I chuckled that my morning gaze had been turned in the utterly wrong direction.

I knew I needed a picture to show Ed. As quickly as I could, I fumbled to put on my coat and grab my camera. Out the door I went as quickly as I could. In those 2-3 minutes, the sunrise had lost much of its breadth, redness, and intensity, but I took my shot anyway. It was, after all, still a nice picture. A minute or two later and the sky was almost back to normal.

I think the old saying goes something like "Red sky at night, sailors delight; red sky in the morning, sailors take warning". It turns out, that couldn't have been truer. Having followed the weather "news", I knew that the day was to bring a snow storm (which it eventually did). That was mid-March and we are now approaching the end of March. Hopefully, that was the last of it for the season and that nicer days lie ahead.

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