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  • Ed

Flooring, Round Two

Updated: Feb 26, 2020

This weekend we started the second round of flooring installation. After serving as a storage room for many months, we began the process of reclaiming the master bedroom. After sanding off old carpet backing and patching the floor, we put down a layer of rosin paper and started nailing in the pine plank floorboards. We then had to shift the remaining wood flooring from one side of the room to the other, which allowed us to see the floor on that side for the first time since last May.

Laying out the First Few Rows

Once the floor is down, we will then shift to painting before we give the floor its sanding and finish. Our work will then shift to some of the finish details on the first floor, such as baseboards. We hope to be finished with the main rooms on the first floor by summer. We then may be ready to shift to round three of flooring - the slate tile floor in the first floor hall. It has been a while since I laid tile, so I will need to do some refresher reading. The slate tile floor in our city house has held up for 20 years, so I just need to remember how I did that.

Halfway Across

Ready to Place the Rest of the Floor

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