Picking snow peas for the second time today (the first time was only 4 hours prior) reinforced some important life tools for me today.
In my head, I often find my mind drawing parallels between God's creations (in this case, our garden) and life in general. It happened to me today in the garden as I was combating the heat and the bugs.
As I tediously looked and picked and sought to "call the job done", the importance of the following three ideas was reinforced within me: humility, perspective, and persistence/perseverance.
Humility and Perspective: I typically pick peas 1-2 times a day; once early in the morning and once at dusk. Today, I didn't get around to my first picking until early afternoon (around 3pm) and I got a good harvest. After debating with myself about whether or not a second picking was even warranted, I went out again at 7pm ish expecting to not get much given that I had just picked 4 hours earlier. I was very wrong. I picked as much if not more than I had earlier.
For me, picking snow peas is a little like a game of hide and seek; me against the snow peas and the snow pea plants. I'll go through on a first pass and think I've gotten all I'm going to get, but then I'll turn around and go back only to find a whole new harvest. I'll think I'm done and that I've found and seen every single pea pod that there is - I'm absolutely certain - I've looked so carefully after all; it's all right there in front of me and "I'm working very slowly and methodically". "I've got them all - I was so meticulous and observant that of course I didn't miss any". I'll do it five or six times; back and forth; looking up and down and sideways; in front of and behind. More harvest each time - and not just a little.
All this to say that the following is reinforced when I pick snow peas. Humility in understanding that no matter how sure I am - I'm can be very wrong. Understanding that changing perspective(s) and looking at things differently - and differently again, and again - even when you think it's not possible any more - can yield significant results.
Persistence/Perseverance: there's an internal battle with myself as I pick my peas. Working in the heat and bugs, the fun of picking only lasts for a little bit - then I'm ready to go inside and be more comfortable. But I have to say "no" - do it one more time. One more pass. Then do it again even though I think I'm done and there's no more to be picked. And again. No wait - do it even again. You get the idea. Each time - significantly more peas are found. Just when I'm absolutely convinced that I've gotten them all.
I need to be reminded every once in a while of the importance of humility, perspective, and persistence/perseverance within my life overall. Thank you for the gift of being able to pick peas.