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Perry Tasting Review


Updated: Dec 31, 2019

My perry (hard pear cider) is complete, and the verdict is a bit mixed. Only some of the bottles carbonated. I read somewhere that pear juice has natural yeast inhibitors, so maybe next time I need to add more priming sugar before bottling.

The carbonated perry tastes pretty good - like an off-dry hard cider. It also has a light, pleasant carbonation. The flat perry tastes like cold cider - not bad, but not quite the outcome I was looking for.

We have several apple trees, but this year they yielded small, poorly formed apples. The trees look like they have not been pruned for several years, which may be the issue. As an experiment, I pruned one of the trees a couple of weeks ago. Hopefully next year I can make hard cider from our own apples.


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