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  • Maggie

Our Neighbor

Updated: Sep 18, 2019

When I show property pictures to friends and family, they always ask about our neighbor to the south. I like having them there.

A family owns and uses the property to the south and there is an RV Camping Trailer and an outhouse in direct view of our house. On any given weekend, any number of family members may be at the property as they use it as a base for recreation and for hunting. They’ve been very friendly and have offered to keep an eye on our property (we’ve reciprocated).

In our city life, we have neighbors who are in very close proximity on any given side of us. With one neighbor, we could literally watch them eat and do the dishes; and, they could do the same to us; that’s how close we are.

Family's RV Camper Trailer on Neighboring Property
Our Only Visible Neighbor - Country Life

With our property, the RV trailer is the only visible neighbor for us. And coming from the city (having never lived in the country), I like having at least one residential neighbor “nearby”. It’s even nicer that I “can’t see them eating”…

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