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  • Maggie

Our First Round of Company

Updated: Sep 18, 2019

BB Gun PIstol and Rifle
Boys Shooting BB Guns in Country Field

We had our first guests the past two weekends, and it was nice.

My parents are getting on in age and it is not easy for them to get around anymore. My father especially does not generally leave their home. And while my mother does have an easier time of it than my father, she has had a couple of falls in the past several years that have highlighted the fact that she really does need to be careful.

The first round of company came at my mom’s request (which was also encouraged by me). I made a day trip of taking her to see the property along with a niece and a nephew. It was actually my nephew who drove us all. He loves to drive and will be attending a nearby university in the fall, He likes the idea of being able to get away for the weekend to come visit at the property, and there’s no better way to learn how to go somewhere than to actually drive it.

I was eager to show everyone around as pictures just don’t do justice to the house and the amount of work that’s been done or has yet to be done, the layout of the yard, the outbuildings, the setting, or the property itself. The general feedback I received was that the house and property was nicer than they anticipated, but that the house still needed a lot of work (a lot of work!). Everyone agreed that they’d wait for overnight visits until things were a little farther along.

The week that followed welcomed the second round of company. My nephew from the first trip brought his mother, his siblings, and my son. The gang arrived fairly early in the morning considering the 3-hour car ride and the fact that they’d stopped for a bite to eat at the local family restaurant. Ed took the older boys to the rifle range for an hour or so. During this time, my sister-in-law and a couple of her younger kids walked the property with me. One nephew was so excited to see an apple tree as well as a toad; he was also surprised to see his navy shoes had turned yellow due to all of the pollen (they reverted back to navy once we were out of the fields).

My sister-in-law asked she could buy a horse to board at the property once we moved in, as her daughter loves horses. I had to gently decline and point out the amount of work and money associated with keeping a horse. I suggested a boarding stable about 10 minutes away and noted that they also had riding sessions.

When everyone had returned to the house (including Ed and the older boys), we had the kids gather brush for a bonfire. Once we had enough wood / brush, we lit it up. The kids brought out their bb-guns and were shooting at targets we’d established somewhat near the fire. Pleasant and easy conversation continued until the fire went out and it was time for the gang to make the long trek back home.

Ed and I stayed on and continued to work but later reflected on how nice it was to be able to have family around for a visit. We hope that everyone will return and return often for day or for overnight visits!

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