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Our First Home Grown Strawberries


Four Strawberries On Counter

Ed first planted strawberry plants in our garden last year; however, it was a drought year AND we had huge problems with some sort of rodent which would literally dig up every plant. It was a cycle really. I'd try to re-plant those which were pulled up the night before and next thing you know, they were pulled again.

All told last year - we may have gotten one or two strawberries.

This year - Ed planted strawberries again. Because it's been a good year for rain (so far) and because Ed has subsequently fenced our garden (and probably because we subsequently have 2 barn cats that are great rodent catchers), our strawberries seem to be taking hold.

While I know you're supposed to pick the blossoms on newly planted fruit plants for the first couple of years so that they do not bear fruit, we did not. I think it's because we're a little bit like excited kids and we really want(ed) some first year fruit. Wish granted! Pictured are our first 4 strawberries of the season. We likely won't get a whole lot more; but, judging from the unripe fruit - there will be some.

I am to understand that strawberry plants great self-spreaders. We are "counting on it" and we have our fingers crossed that we now have a perennial strawberry patch.

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