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Our First Ever Baby Chicks Arrived Home Today

Brand New Baby Chicks in New Home

I got a call at about 10am saying that our brand new baby chicks (12 in all; egg layers) arrived today. We ordered these chicks back in February from a local Amish bulk food store that also raises egg layers. They do bulk ordering and we got in on their order. They seem happy in this first hour or so, but it's hard to tell when you're a new "parent".

When putting them in the cage for the first time, I dipped the beak of each into the water (they say you're supposed to do that so they know where the water is). Each chick got several drinks and went back and forth between the water, the grit, and the food (initially). Now they seem to be mainly under the heat source with a check around every so often...

I'll keep watching. We want to be 12 for 12 in terms of survival rate. Time will tell but I sure will try.

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