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  • Maggie

Morel Mushrooms Found When Not Looking

Sliced Morel Mushrooms on Drying Rack

We have an area no larger than an acre near our house and the road. The soil in this area is very sandy and there are "lots" of pine trees, a couple cedar trees, some large oak trees and some other miscellaneous trees.

I've been checking this area every year for the past 5 years for Morels with no success. I check it because it is close to the house and easy to check. This year, about a week ago and while walking the area for an entirely different reason (not at all related to mushrooms), I stumbled upon a handful or 2 of morel mushrooms. Some were fairly large while others were not that big. But we'd just had a series of heavy rains so they were a little bit water logged.

Ed couldn't believe my luck or even where I found them (typically, if we find any at all, it's in our back woods; although, we've never been overly successful...). When he arrived, he asked to see where I found them and tried to find more (to no avail).

While looking though, Ed did find a small handful of Oyster mushrooms. Oddly, the Shiitake inoculated logs that Ed has in the area still have not provided anything worth harvesting... Oh well - we'll take what we can get.

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