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  • Ed

Master Bedroom Before and After

With the hanging of a blind this weekend, the master bedroom becomes our first room to move into the 100 percent-complete column. I am surprised that this is the first room we finished, because at the beginning of the year, we were still using it to store flooring.

I am not sure we have many new lessons learned with this room. We learned our flooring lessons in the living room/dining room/kitchen, and the rest was just paint and light fixtures. This was the first room we installed baseboards in, and that had a little of a learning curve. I learned that a coping saw works best with a fine-tooth blade. We saved and painted the old baseboards, which saved money, although Maggie had to pull all of the nails out. I used less robust nails than used previously, so that it will be easier to remove said baseboards in the future if needed.

The central lesson is that things just take time. I have a master list of tasks for each room that helps me organize the order in which things need to get done. I try to break that work down into a series of small tasks. I start every weekend with a list of what I want to get done each day, and try to keep the list manageable and focused. Otherwise, you can end up jumping from project to project and not complete anything.

Here is our before and after shots of the master bedroom. It would have been nice to get a photo of the room before the furniture and rug, but we were tired of having the bed take up space in our trailer.

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