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Lavender Up-potting

The lavender we started from seed a few weeks ago ended up with a fairly good germination rate. The 'Vera' variety performed best, with nearly full germination, earlier germination, and stronger growth. The 'Hidcote Superior' variety had a little poorer germination rate, but still in the 75% range.

We up-potted the plants into 2-1/2 inch pots with a mix of potting soil and perlite about a week ago, to provide the young plants with more room to grow and more nutrients. My hands smelled like lavender all evening from the oils in the leaves. The 'Hidcote Superior' variety seems to be struggling a little more, possibly due to overwatering. Lavender reportedly does not like 'wet feet', so this variety may be more sensitive. I had planned to keep the flats in the house for a week or two, but moved them to the porch over the weekend. The combination of more sunlight and a breeze will hopefully dry the soil out before the seedlings die.

We are ending up with more plants than we may have room for, assuming they all survive. The extras may get listed on Facebook Marketplace, which would be the first farm product we actually sold.

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