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  • Maggie

Lacto-fermented Pear Chutney

Ball Canning Jars with Airlock Lids
Fermenting Pear Chutney

We haven't tasted the end result yet; but, I thought that the following recipe for Lacto-fermented Pear Chutney looked interesting. I made a double batch, so I sure hope we do like it...

3-4 pears, core and chopped (with or without the skin as you prefer)

1/2 cup sun-dried raisins

1/2 cup chopped pecans

2 tsp sea salt

Juice of 1 or 2 lemons

1 onion - finely chopped

1 tbsp grated ginger

1/2 cup (or more) filtered water

1 quart glass jar with lid (sanitized)

Mix chopped fruit and nuts together in a large metal bowl.

Add salt, lemon juice, onion, and spices, and mix with a wooden spoon. Allow the mixture to set undisturbed for 30 minutes.

Using wooden spoon, pack the pear mixture tightly into the jar; pound down lightly so that the chutney is compressed and the liquid rises.

Add room temperature filtered water as necessary to bring liquid level with the fruit mixture, having it all come to about 1 inch below the top of the jar.

Cover with an airlock or standard disc and band lid; if use the standard lid, burp regularly. Place in a room temperature location away from direct sunlight for 2-4 days ; then move to the refrigerator.

I got the above recipe from

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