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  • Ed

Kitchen Before and After

This weekend we installed the rest of the cabinet drawer pulls (all 25 of them), and installed an overhead light. The kitchen is now about 80% done. It just needs trim, a backsplash, and a stove. Looking at these pictures, it is hard to believe what we have gotten done.

The starting point...
Maxie Helping Assemble Cabinets
The (Almost) Finished Product

Here are some thoughts as we near the finish line:

-Demolition was worth doing ourselves. It was fairly easy, and we were able to dispose of the debris at the town dump for free.

-It was hard living without a kitchen (and specifically a kitchen sink), and we were only there on weekends.

-I was not sure how the ready to assemble cabinets would hold up, but so far they seem very sturdy attached to the walls.

-Going with full-height cabinets is worth the extra money. There is more storage space and it is a good look.

-Installing the upper cabinets was fairly easy. The base cabinets were harder.

-It was well worth (to me) having a professional install the countertops. They were able to adjust for my out-of-level base cabinets. No eggs will crack rolling off the counter.

-Just take things one step at a time. If all you do is get a light fixture hung in a day, take the win and have a beer,

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