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  • Maggie

Harvesting Begins

Onion Garden Initial Harvest

Tomatos Getting Ripe

Ripe Yellow Pear Tomatoes

We've eaten the odd onion hear and there when we've accidentally mowed over the onion greens / tops; but, this weekend, we pulled about 1/3 to 1/2 of our onions because the necks were getting soft and the tops were falling over. Next week we'll likely harvest the remaining.

We were surprised with the number ripe yellow pear and cherry tomatoes we were able to eat this weekend and decided to pick the pinkish "Early Girl" tomatoes to bring back to our city house because we feared they'd ripen before we returned to the property.

I've also been eating Nasturtiums (leaves / flowers) on the weekends for the past couple of months; it's amazing what a couple of seeds in the ground will produce as Nasturtiums seem to be prolific once they get started.

We're already making plans for next years' garden expansion (small expansion). Maybe some asparagus; some arugula. Time will tell what we're ultimately able to do... I know Ed's really working to get some bees in place in the spring.

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