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  • Maggie

Getting Old Hay for Garden Bed Mulch

Old Old Hay Bales

Over a year ago now, we had first asked our neighboring farmer if he had any use for the 2 old (old old old) hay bales that were on our property towards the back (he farms our hay field and had done so even before our acquiring the property). He said "no" but asked if he should burn them. We said "no need" but then asked if he wouldn't mind if we used them for garden mulch down the road. He said "no problem"...

From time to time between then and now we would ask again if it was OK that we go get / use the old bales and he would always say "have at it..."

With our expanding gardening space, I thought we would need more mulch and the weather was just right. This weekend I finally ventured and made my first couple of attempts at loading the old hay in our equally old pick up truck with a handy dandy pitch fork. Progress was slow but it was progress.

As fate would have it, the neighboring farmer stopped by with a load of horse manure this weekend and asked if we wanted it (he had gotten it from the Amish down the road) - I said "absolutely" so long as he didn't have a use for it. When he stopped, I was on my way to the garage to get the truck and go grab another load of old old hay and mentioned that the time had finally come whereby we were finally going to make use of it. In turn, he asked if I wanted him to bring the two bales over with his skid steer.... again, "would definitely welcome that but he had no reason to feel obligated...". An hour later, those two old hay bales were right where we need them. We are ever grateful to the help that he has given us over the years!

First Truck Load of Old Hay

Old Hay Bales Now Near New Garden Beds

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