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  • Ed

Garlic Scape Time

The garlic we planted last fall has been a bright spot in our garden. First appearing in early March, the garlic has, so far, survived our late frost and current drought. This weekend, many of the plants started to send up seedheads, known as scapes. Let to grow, they form fun-looking curly stalks, and will eventually open to form flowers. Seed formation takes a lot of energy, so most gardeners cut off the scapes to allow the plant to focus its energy on creating cloves.

Don't throw the scapes into the compost pile - they taste like garlic, so can be used in cooking where recipes call for garlic. They make a great pesto. I have been thinking about making hummus lately, which provided a use for a couple of scapes. Cold hummus is perfect for our hot June days.


1/3-cup Tahini

15 ounces Cooked or canned chickpeas

2 Garlic scapes, finely chopped (or to taste)

3 tablespoons Olive oil

1-1/2 tablespoons Lemon juice (or to taste)

Salt, to taste

The recipe is simple - put all of the ingredients into a food processor and pulse until the hummus is the desired consistency. If it is too thick, add more olive oil. Adjust salt, garlic, and lemon juice to taste. Transfer to a bowl, cover, and chill. Sprinkle with paprika and/or parsley before serving.

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