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  • Maggie

Fresh from the Garden Mish/Mash - Keeping it Simple

Mixed Veggies from the Garden

While walking around the garden this evening, I found some broccoli heads (much to my surprise), some asparagus (again - surprise), and some snow peas. I pulled a stray onion from the garlic bed and used fresh garlic from last year's harvest to lightly saute my finds (yes - in butter). Added a little salt and pepper and "walla" - dinner. It was wonderful!

I did something similar this weekend for Ed and Henry and I but using kale, spinach, beets, radishes, snow peas, and... I added a mix of fresh from the garden herbs. All enjoyed the "feast" but Henry and I could have done with less of my herb mix as it was a bit strong. Nothing ventured, nothing gained I suppose.

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