I enjoy Brussel Sprouts; Ed, not quite as much unless they're roasted. Because I enjoy them and because they're said to be a cool weather fall crop, I've tried planting them for several years now but never got an actual harvest.
This year was different. Ed told me that he'd read that cutting off the tops of the plants in the late August / early September timeframe helps with production of harvestable sprouts. It worked!
The sprout harvest happened as we were taking down our garden for the year. I was just done by that point, but Ed went ahead and did the tedious work of harvesting the sprouts. He came up with the improvised saute as well.
In the future, I'm not sure I'll be growing Brussel Sprouts. They take up a lot of garden space for what they yield (I feel the same way about Broccoli as well). We'll see if I feel the same way in the spring.