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  • Maggie

First Apple Pie from Property Apples

Updated: Sep 18, 2019

In-between paint coats, I went and picked apples from our pasture area this weekend. The apples were small and looked pretty beaten up on the outside (not so much bruising as discolorations on the skin).

I brought the apples home and made a homemade apple pie on Sunday (Ed even took pity and helped me peel apples). Because we peeled more than was necessary for the pie, I made applesauce as well.

Both are delicious (probably more so than usual just knowing that the apples are from our land); but, we now have more sweet food / desert than 2 people can eat over the course of a week (we’re still getting used to right sizing our meal planning efforts now that our son is off at college).

During our Sunday morning property walk, Ed pointed out all of the Elderberries I could pick (but I didn’t have anything to put them in); the neighboring farmer that stopped by also asked if we got the big crop of grapes that the previous owner had the year prior (we did not); he also mentioned all of the huckleberries on our property. We both look forward to the day when we can harvest and use more from our property; to when we can garden as well.

Apple Pie Made from Property Apples
Homeade Double Crusted Apple Pie

In the meantime, the apple pie and apple sauce makes me happy.

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