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  • Maggie

Cucumbers! You Really Have to Look to Find Them...

Loads of Cucumbers When We Thought We Had None

We didn't think we were getting any cucumbers. I had picked 2 cucumbers on Monday and hadn't seen anything further until I looked more closely today (Thursday) and saw all of these.

Actually seeing them didn't come easy. They seem to blend into the greenery. So while we didn't think we were going to have much cucumber luck this year, the tide quickly turned. In searching for and finding these, I also saw that there were many more babies on the vines so we'll need to check more thoroughly and more regularly.

We're still eating last years' pickles, but we'll likely ferment and can some more this year. Friends and family will get a jar of pickles for Christmas. We need to come up with a good cucumber salad recipe as well and just start eating them raw (which I did do with one of the smaller cucumbers; it was sweet, tender, and good).

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