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  • Ed

Basement Bathroom Update

As happens in Wisconsin, indoor projects take a backseat when summer rolls around. The brevity of the summer season combined with nice weather and lots of outdoor projects causes a shift in priority.

Our current indoor project has been our basement bathroom. Steady progress was made up until the Fourth of July holiday. We were able to get all of the rough plumbing finished, holes patched, walls primed and painted. The light fixtures and medicine cabinet are in.

Just needs a sink

I started to strip the concrete floor of the adhesive residue from the former tile. Progress ceased as we began canning garden produce, which took all of August and September. It is now a mad rush to get the garden put to bed before Thanksgiving and, presumably, poorer weather. We can then refocus and return to the basement, hopefully after a delicious turkey dinner.

And a Toilet. And a Shower...

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