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  • Ed

Asparagus Season

This spring has been a little rainier and warmer than usual, which has triggered an early burst of greenery. One of the plants making a big push is asparagus. Our bed is 4 years old, and is really starting to produce. We can almost see the stalks growing. Just a week ago, we were discussing building another bed, but we seem to have more than enough with the 20 by 5 foot raised bed we have.

Maggie and I both love asparagus. So far, we have made sautéed asparagus, ramen with asparagus, asparagus au gratin, and ham-wrapped asparagus. This weekend I plan to make a white-sauced pizza with asparagus, sausage, and roasted garlic.

At one point, we had nearly 3 pounds of asparagus in the refrigerator, from just 2 days of harvesting. We store it upright in glasses with water, so it takes up space. We left some in a neighbor's mailbox this afternoon, as it was getting a bit overwhelming. This is one of the few vegetables that does not store or preserve well. We have a gardening book we use a lot, and I remember one line from the asparagus chapter - "you don't preserve asparagus, you eat it!". It has a short season, maybe 3 weeks, so it does pay to enjoy it while it is around.

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