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  • Maggie

Amazing Sunsets

Updated: Sep 18, 2019

Amazing Red Blue Sunset at Dusk Set Against Hay Field and Distant Trees

I’ve never experienced sunsets like I experience them at our property, and I’m not sure why.

Maybe I just don’t take the time to notice sunsets in my city life. Possibly it’s because our city house’s family room doesn’t face west, and our farm property’s living space faces west? Is it because there’s some sort of city light effect that diminishes sunsets? Is it that the view is obstructed with all of the houses / buildings that are around our city home? Or is it just the backdrop of farm fields either covered in untouched snow or with hay bales and spots of forest throughout that make the sunsets seem even more glorious. Maybe it’s a little bit of all the above. Whatever the reason(s), they’ve held true regardless of season.

All I know is that I’ve nearly cried because of the beautiful sunsets we’ve seen at the property nearly every evening we’ve spent there. Some have been spectacular with the blazes of yellow, orange, and red that took over the sky and set it aglow such that it looked like there was an inferno in the sky. Some have been more subdued but still more beautiful than most of what I’d seen prior.

My last reflective thought on sunsets is that we’re all viewing the same sunset at about the same time; and the sunset I see at the country property is the same sunset that’s happening at our city house and vice versa and yet my perception is so much different when I am there. This tells me that no matter, I need to take more time in general to soak in the sunsets (and smell the flowers for that matter).

Amazing Country Sunset, Pasture, Trees

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