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  • Maggie

Airplanes Overhead

Updated: Nov 20, 2019

Normally, we don’t pay all that much attention to airplanes flying overhead. That was until we were at our property one Saturday afternoon and we experienced a couple of rounds of airplanes overhead and it felt very odd. It was then we realized that this was the very first time in all of our weekends there that we’d had anything fly above our property (we’re not near an airport (not even a small airport) and don’t seem to be in the path of any major flights).

This first experience with airplanes at the property occurred mid to late summer; there were two planes somewhat close together that seemed to be flying relatively low. My first thought was “crop dusters”; but we live in an area where there are really only hay fields and forests (vs corn, soybean, etc. fields). Nothing appeared to be coming out of the planes anyway.

A little later that day, two additional planes flew overhead. These plans did not appear to be crop dusters; but we were unsure what they were (just out for an afternoon ride?).

In hindsight, maybe the county sends out planes from time to time to assess the landscape for property tax purposes, etc. Not sure. All we know was that it just felt weird and almost intrusive. It was also our first realization of what hadn’t been there in our experiences prior.

Go figure.

Blue Afternoon Sky Through Old Maple Tree Branches

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