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2022 in Review; and the 2023 Theme is...

As we near the end of the year, it is time to look back and assess how 2022 progressed. We try and give each year a theme, to help guide the work we are doing. 2022 was a grab-bag kind of year, that we captured as the 'Year of the 'B's'. There were three main projects: 1) finishing the remodel of the basement bathroom, 2) rehabbing the basement, and 3) starting a beehive.

Progress was made on each project. The basement bathroom was completed, and came out nicer than expected. The other two projects will continue into 2023. Maggie and I each bought a different style of beehive. I purchased a Langstroth hive and a nuc of bees. The bees did not progress to the point where they could fill a super with honey, but they completed their brood chambers and should have enough food stored to get them through the winter. Maggie bought three Layens hives. She did not buy bees, instead opting to try and catch a swarm. No bees this year, so she will need to decide whether to buy bees in 2023. The basement walls are painted, new light fixtures are installed, and canning storage shelves are in. New flooring, stair refinishing, and a new sliding glass door will complete this project. The completed basement will finally let me build a permanent workshop.

The garden expanded in 2022 to what is probably its final size, and we produced more vegetables then we could eat. We found a couple of sources of manure for improving the garden's soil. The orchard trees continued to grow. We started to train some of the branches, and this winter we will be doing a little pruning. The asparagus is off to a great start, and we should get a good crop of spears in the spring. Maple syrup production was down due to starting too early - my resolution is to not tap trees until March 1, regardless of weather forecasts. We made it to a dairy breakfast and found some new local restaurants. We rented our land to a new set of hunters, who harvested a 14-point buck on opening day. All in all, 2022 was a good year.

Although there are always projects that run into the next year, we try and start something new. For next year, 2023 will be the Year of the Chickens. We got a good start this year with converting a shed to a coop. We have also been buying supplies to build a brooder. With winter here, I moved the chicken project indoors with construction of nesting boxes. In spring we will finish the coop, and then it will be a trip to the feed store for some chicks.

Our Future Nesting Boxes

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